Keep McAlester Beautiful, formerly known as Pride In McAlester, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to beautifying and enhancing our community. Founded in 2008, we are committed to making decisions and engaging in activities that will ensure that McAlester becomes a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful city for our children.
   We promote community activism through volunteer days and supporting programs that enhance and enrich our city.
   McAlester Beautiful meets the third Thursday of each month at noon at The Yardbird located at 315 E. Choctaw Ave. in McAlester. Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch. This will be a chance to meet a few board members and the executive director.
   You’re also welcome to attend our Regular Board of Director Meetings which is scheduled on the second Thursday of each month at the McAlester Fire Department Admin & Training Center located at 1016 E. South Ave. in McAlester.
Our executive director’s office is located at 125 E. Choctaw Ave. Ste. 102 in McAlester.