Keep McAlester Beautiful is excited to partner with the City of McAlester and the Parks and Recreation Department to launch Adopt-A-Park! Individuals, families, groups or businesses are welcome to choose one of the city’s 16 parks and public use areas. Volunteers can pick up litter, mow, weed eat, remove graffiti, report park hazards, sweep courts and pathways, pull weeds, care for the ecosystems and report illegal dumping, storm damage injured or dead animals and other hazards or help with major park restorations.
Parks available for adoption include:
Arvest Park (the newest park)
Buffalo Run Disc Golf Course
Archery Park
Central Bark Dog Park
Will Rogers Park
Leadership Park
Mullen Park
Hutchison Park
Connally Skate Park
Thunderbird Park
Jeff Lee Park
Pete Rosso Park
Hunter Park
Komar Park
Puterbaugh Park
Rotary Park
Chadick Park
email: kmb@keepmcalesterbeautiful.com today for more information! or call us, 918-424-9988
Pictured below are members of McAlester Schools Athletics cleaning their adopted park, Chadick. The athletes clean their park monthly!